What is the Turnout Score?

Turnout Score

The higher the Turnout Score, the more likely the voter will turnout in a general election. The score range varies by state, as each state has a different number of elections each year.

Important - the Turnout Score has nothing to do with partisan affiliation or ideology.

Turnout Score Methodology

Most recent general election is weighted at 5 points

The general election prior to the most recent general is weighted at 3 points

Then each other election counts for 1 point (Primaries, Generals, or Municipals)

Primary Score

The Primary Score has a range of 0 to 4, and is simply the number of Republican primaries in which the voter participated over the last four Republican primaries. No points are given to Presidential Primary elections if it is a dedicated election held separate from the state primary.

0 = 0 out of last 4 Republican Primaries

1 = 1 out of last 4 Republican Primaries

2 = 2 out of last 4 Republican Primaries

3 = 3 out of last 4 Republican Primaries

4 = 4 out of last 4 Republican Primaries

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