User Roles and Permissions

The user roles and permissions grant members of the campaign different levels of access within the Voter Gravity system.
  • To change a users role and permissions, in Portal, go to Manage > Team and select either the green Add New button or select Edit under Options next to the user you which to change permissions for.
  • Then, under the Add User Role drop down box, select which role you would like to assign to that specific user. You can also check whether or not that user has access to only the Portal, the mobile app, or both. Once you have selected the users role, click Submit.
A variety of roles can be chosen to give you the flexibility to choose which members of the campaign have access to certain areas of the system. The following are a list of current roles and their permissions:
  • Level 1 and Level 2 (merging in late 2023): Full administrative permissions to the account
  • Level 3: Campaign staff role for someone who is creating walklists, managing volunteers, and managing phone banks.
  • Level 4: Permission to manage the infrastructure of the campaign's account, including the ability to create users, lists, and view reports
  • Level 5: Full permissions to manage volunteers, walklists, and phone banks within their assigned area, typically multiple precincts
  • Level 6: Full permissions to manage volunteers, walklists, and phone banks within their assigned precinct
  • Level 7: Volunteer role who is canvassing and making phone calls
  • Level 8 (to be removed in late 2023) : Volunteer who is only making phone calls

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